There have been some changes to your guidelines and regulations. Please make sure that you read the entire page and if you have any questions, please call the office at 301-797-4591
Class C – Club (on-sale only) – beer, wine & liquor shall be issued by the license issuing authority of Washington County, in which the place of business is located.
(a) The license authorizes the license holder to sell beer, wine & liquor at a Club, the place described in the license, for on-premises consumption only.
The Boards applicable guidelines for a Class C – Club license
1 - The license holder must be a 501(C)(7) social club and have an active charter.
2 - Their primary purpose and activities of the club must be for the pleasure and recreation of its members.
3 - It must be primarily supported by membership fees, dues, and assessments, with a limited amount of income from non-membership sources and investment income.
4 - The club must have an established membership list for individuals.
5 - The club’s written policies may not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, gender, or religion.
The Boards applicable rules for a class C – Club license
The holder of the license may keep for sale and serve beer, wine and liquor at retail for consumption on the licensed premises.
No open cans or bottles can be removed from the licensed premises.
Beer, wine and liquor, bottles shall be destroyed when original contents are emptied and not refilled.
Beer, wine & liquor must be purchased from licensed distributors licensed to distribute in the state of Maryland.
An Alcohol Awareness certified person or persons must always be on duty during hours of operation, in the areas where alcoholic beverages are sold and served.
There is no objection to minors visiting a licensed establishment in the company of their parents or legal guardians, provided the purpose is to consume a regularly prepared meal.
No person under the age of 21 shall be seated at the bar at any time.
There must be three (3) licensees on a Class C Club license, it can be one Board Member or Officer and two regular members or employees. Updated 7/1/2020
The annual license fee shall be $500 for clubs with less than 600 members (including social members) and $1000 for clubs with 600 or more members (including social members). Special Sunday license $250.00.
Updated & Effective: February 5, 2025